When numerical representation of psychological stability is a reality
My Role
UI Design
Icon Design
April -July 2020 (3 months)
Adobe illustrator
Adobe photoshop
Adobe Indesign
Cyborgization brings issues with malfunctions when one subject has multiple implants. As a result, subjects face the possibility of going berserk, lose consciousness. Subsequently, showing aggressive behavior towards pedestrians.
In year 2057, increased civilian casualty due to cyborg implants malfunction has been the top cause behind social instability.
This project is an app that monitors psychological stability to express concern regarding surveillance and ownership of data.
As we move into the age of "numerical everything," it has been accessible for users to check and monitor the numerical value of their daily routine, such as steps walked, how many calories burned, pulse per second.
However, what if we can translate psychological stability into numerical values and monitor its patterns and changes 24 7? Furthermore, with the acquired data, will there be a new marketing strategy promoting places only for stable psychological patterns? Along with the data obtained, will this index data be used to prevent crime since there might be a possible pattern change when one is about to commit a crime?
"How's your psychological stability index?" might be the way we greet each other shortly.
Thus, in this work, I design a speculative app that translates users' psychological stability into numerical values while monitoring.
I sincerely hope this piece will never come true and remain a speculative work forever.
Ghost in the Shell 1995 movie
Watch Dogs 2 2016 Video Game
The ctOS(Central Operating System) system
Watch Dogs 2
Discipline & Punish(Panopticon)
Michel Foucault
Solo personal portfolio project
Mobile Screen (users)
Get to know yourself better
With weekly, monthly, and annual reports, get to know how your index change in relation to time and location and changes in cyborg implants performance.
Having a tough day?
Highlighted number indicates your current psychological stability in relation to the places you have been. With easy-to-read graphs helps users to plan their visit while avoiding areas that might increase their index value.
Want to know which implant holds you back?
Monitor your implants and check their performance. Further, you will also receive personalized suggestions on what implant to install next and how to work with maximum efficiency based on synchronization rate
PC End (Watcher)
How It Works
An application that visualizes cyborg implants synchronization rate and psychological stability with easy-to-understand graphs and personalized suggestions help to maintain mental health.
Corporation end monitors and collects user data for behavioral analysis and future implications such as anti-protest protocol and domestic stability affairs.
Step Into The Future
Mandatory index check upon entrance has become the new social norm, denial of entrance and entrance based on psychological stability become a well-adapted practice.
This is a work of fiction & Artistic Expression
This is a work of fiction & Artistic Expression ·